KOMRA rrjeti i pajtimit



KOMUNIKATË: Keqpërdorimi i organizatave joqeveritare në kontekstin e ballafaqimit me të kaluarën





Some media organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and representatives of NGOs in Republika Srpska have been persistently releasing inaccurate information about Initiative RECOM (a Regional Commission for Establishing the Facts About Victims of War in Former Yugoslavia).

Public advocates of the Initiative RECOM refute allegations of impropriety and pledge their commitment to RECOM.

Please, find more details in the attachment.


KOMUNIKATË_Keqpërdorimi i organizatave joqeveritare në kontekstin e ballafaqimit me të kaluarën_21. 06 2012


This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the RECOM Reconciliation Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.