New portal RECOM.link launched
We are presenting to you the new portal of the Coalition for RECOM – www.recom.link. In addition to its main task of ensuring the greatest possible visibility for the RECOM Process, the portal will keep you current on the achievements and obstacles connected with the establishment of transitional justice in post-Yugoslav countries. The portal will keep in step with scientific research into the theories and practices of reconciliation in post-conflict societies. The portal also features numerous witness testimonies about war crimes committed in the wars on the territory of the former SFRY, signed articles by and interviews with individuals creating art, writing texts or launching actions which can contribute to the development of a culture of sympathy, mourning for all lost lives, and respect for personal experiences.
Furthermore, the extensive archives of the RECOM Process – the video archives, transcripts of the consultative process, videotaped testimony and other materials concerning the widest debate ever organized by a civil sector on the territory of the former Yugoslavia – have been systematized and are easily accessible. The archives constitute a unique body of documents about the process of reconciliation in the region and afford direct access to the needs and expectations of the victims of the war, of their families, of the academic, artistic and legal communities, and of the organizations and institutions concerned.
12 May 2015