Bosnian Mayoral Hopefuls Tainted by Crime Claims
Nearly 50 candidates for the positions of mayor or municipality chief in next month’s Bosnian elections have been convicted of,...
Nearly 50 candidates for the positions of mayor or municipality chief in next month’s Bosnian elections have been convicted of,...
The EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, which began in 2011, aims to improve the everyday lives of people, resolve...
Dejan Janković / Balkan ekspres Mednarodno sodišče za vojne zločine na območju nekdanje Jugoslavije je v preteklih dneh zopet poskrbelo...
Državljan A.T., 55 min, HD, Anakiev Production, Brusselles-Radovljica, 2010 Documentary about Erased from Slovenia.
In an interview for the daily Politika on March 25, 2015, Dodik said that the institutions of the Republika...
Ustavno sodišče je zaradi pomanjkanja pravnega interesa zavrglo pobudi Društva izbrisanih prebivalcev Slovenije (DIPS) za oceno ustavnosti novele Zakona...
Piše Vlasta Jalušič, Mirovni inštitut, Ljubljana Primo Levi je do konca svojega življenja, ki ga je sklenil s samomorom,...
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