London Summit without the Declaration on RECOM
Berlin ProcessA firm pledge by the Presidents of Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Macedonia that the Prime ministers of the aforementioned countries would sign the Declaration on the Establishment of RECOM at the London Summit on 10 July 2018 has not produced the expected results. By 7 July 2018, the Coalition had not received the decisions of the governments of all the aforementioned countries, which led the summit organizer, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to exclude the planned item – the Declaration on RECOM – from the summit agenda.
The signing of the Declaration on RECOM is conceived as a demonstration of the willingness of the leaders of the post-Yugoslav countries to deal with the recent past by establishing the facts about the war crimes and victims, as well as a call to the remaining post-Yugoslav countries – Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia – jointly to bear the burden of the past and contribute to the development of a culture of compassion and respect for all the victims of the 1990s wars.
The Coalition for RECOM continues its cooperation and coordination with the post-Yugoslav countries in relation to the establishment of RECOM.