Support to Initiative for RECOM in Slovenia
President of the Republic of SloveniaDanilo Türk and the Parliament Speaker Pavel Gantar supported the Initiative for RECOM. The Office of the President stated that the President “especiallywelcomedthe fact that the Initiative came from the civil society and believed that the Commission, as a civil society organization, can contribute to fact-finding and the reconciliation process”.
Member of the European ParliamentTanja Fajonstated that it is very important to respect such a civic initiative, especially because it gathers the states of the Western Balkans. “I believe it is very important that these countries are able to overcome divisions from the past on their path to the EU, to find common truth, to reveal crimes and human rights violations because that will make life in the region easier in the future”
Member of the Parliament fromLDS, Anton Andrelič, stated that RECOM can help clarifythe circumstances, which ledto the conflict, and redress injustice. Member of the Parliament fromSDS,Eva Irgl , stated that it would be good to include murders committed after the war in the investigation of war crimes considering the fact that after the war that ended in 1945 there were cases of unlawful murders.