RECOM Reconciliation Network

Integrity in International Justice


Integrity in International Justice

CILRAP, International justice, Volume

CILRAP: Centre for International Law Research and Policy has made a short movie – Integrity in International Justice, available below, on the occasion of a recently published volume of the same name edited by Morten Bergsmo and Viviane E. Dittrich. This volume is the fourth book of the Nuremberg Academy Series that covers relevant and topical areas in the field of international criminal law, and includes work that is interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary, bringing together academics and practitioners.

The publication is an outcome of the conference on Integrity in International Justice that was convened at the Peace Palace in The Hague on 1-2 December 2018. As said in the volume preface, “Considering the scarcity of international law sources on integrity in international justice, the volume delves into a wide range of understandings of integrity, going into philosophical, religious and cultural traditions, viewing integrity as a moral authority, an ethical component, and a behavioural norm. Beyond theoretical reflections on integrity as a concept, the book addresses practical fringes for the implementation of integrity international justice, while examining those actors who have a particular responsibility to uphold integrity and cultivate a culture of integrity due to their leadership roles.”

The movie is giving an introduction to the major topics of the volume and authors’ and editors’ motivation to create it.


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