RECOM Reconciliation Network

The Politics of Memory and Remembrance Practices


The Politics of Memory and Remembrance Practices in Southeast Europe

HLC Kosovo, Online debate, RECOM

Over the past two decades, diverse bottom-up and top-down memory politics and remembrance practices have evolved in Southeast Europe. They are constitutive of collective memory situated largely within national frameworks and characterized by diverging accounts of the past, contested symbols and representations in the public sphere. Against this backdrop, the panel will discuss the dynamics and patterns of memory politics and remembrance practices in Southeast Europe, more specifically in post-Yugoslav states. The conversations in the panel will centre around three broadly defined, yet interrelated set of questions that include the following:


  • how does the recent past continue to live in the present and how it shapes the politics of memory and remembrance practices today?
  • what are the main trends of memory politics and remembrance practices? and
  • how has memory activism shaped the politics of memory and in what way it has contributed towards creation of a shared vision of the future?


You can follow the discussion on Facebook and the YouTube channel of RECOM Reconciliation Network on Thursday, October 22, at 17:00.

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