The Fifth Regional Forum for Transitional Justice
RECOM Mandate and Characteristics
Budva, Montenegro
The Fifth Regional Forum gathered 316 participants from more than 200 non-governmental organizations from all successor states to the former Yugoslavia. Organized by the Centre for Civic Education and Human Rights Action from Montenegro with the support of the Coalition for RECOM Secretariat, the Forum represented the greatest gathering in the region devoted to transitional justice to date. It was the first forum in which members of the Coalition for RECOM discussed the model and other elements of RECOM in four workshops. A day prior to the beginning of the Forum, members of the Coalition, organized the first foundation assembly of the Coalition in which the Statute of the Coalition was adopted and members of the Coordination Council were elected. Ranko Krivokapić, the Speaker of the Montenegrin Parliament, Pierre Mirel, Director of the European Commission Directorate for the Western Balkans, and Ron J.P.M. van Dartel, Ambassador of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to Montenegro and Serbia made opening addresses at the Forum.
I would like to warmly greet the initiative of NGOs, your initiative to form a joint coalition for the establishment of a Regional Commission. I hope that, with this initiative and with our continued support and pressures, countries in the region will gradually be in a position to come to terms with its past and from there build their future.
Pierre Mirel, Director of the European Commission for an extension of the Western Balkan countries
The video is available in BCS languages.