RECOM Reconciliation Network



The Court illegally excluded the public from the trial of Nataša Kandić and the HLC in the lawsuit of Chief of Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces

Ljubiša Diković, nataša kandić, Serbia, War crimes trials

At today’s hearing (15 September 2015) Judge Gordana Aranđelović, Presiding Judge in the lawsuit against Nataša Kandić and the HLC [General Diković’s lawsuit for libel and violation of honor], decided to exclude the public on the grounds of the courtroom being small and having no place for journalists. The first defendant, Nataša Kandić, legal representative of the HLC, Sandra Orlović, and lawyer Vladimir Gajić left the courtroom, saying that the decision was not based on the grounds prescribed by law adding it was a serious breach of the lawsuit and the principle of public hearing. Today, Nataša Kandić was planned to ask questions to General Diković.

Following are documents available in Serbian only.


Dosije “Ljubiša Diković”

Prilog Dosijeu “Ljubiša Diković”

Prilog Dosijeu “Ljubiša Diković” – integralni dokumenti Vojske Jugoslavije

Dokumenti koji se odnose na 3., 4. i 5. tačku dosijea “Ljubiša Diković”

Dosije “Rudnica”

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